2024 Engagement Calendar πŸŽ‰

Happy Monday Morning! 🌞

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! This is Mariam Mushtaq from HR Brain Pickings. 😊

We are back after a bit of a break and have a very exciting freebie for you today! Let's explore a tool that can help HR professionals plan out their engagement strategies for the year: the Employee Engagement Calendar. πŸ“†

Do you plan out your Engagement Activities in advance?

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An Employee Engagement Calendar can be seen as much more than just a calendar or schedule; it's a strategic approach to planning and implementing engagement initiatives. πŸ’Ό

Do I really need one though? πŸ€”

  • Well, having an engagement calendar for your company can really improve communication by keeping everyone informed about upcoming events. πŸ“£

  • The calendar also facilitates better resource organization and time management for HR teams. πŸ•’

  • With events scheduled in advance, employees are a lot more likely to participate. πŸ“… 

  • It's also a great way to align activities with the company's core values, reinforcing them among the team. πŸ’‘ 

  • A well-executed engagement calendar can attract and retain talent by showcasing the organization's vibrant culture. 🌍🌟

You have my attention, but how do I get started? πŸ€”

  1. Start by identifying areas that resonate with your company's values and employee interests. 🎯

    For example, if your company values work-life balance, consider adding flexible work arrangement days or mental health workshops to the calendar.

  2. Incorporate employee feedback to ensure the activities are relevant and eagerly awaited. πŸ—£οΈ

    For example, if employees express an interest in skill development, include coding classes or leadership seminars.

  3. Determine the timing and frequency of activities, considering seasonal factors, company milestones, and employee availability. πŸ“…

    For example - during busy project periods, plan stress-relief activities like yoga sessions.

  4. Include a variety of activities, such as professional development, team building, wellness programs, and cultural celebrations. πŸŽ‰

    Offer training workshops, team-building outings, mental health webinars, and cultural potluck lunches to cover a broad spectrum of interests.

  5. Delegate tasks and responsibilities for smooth execution. πŸ‘₯

    Assign an "Event Champion" for each activity to oversee logistics, and involve cross-functional teams to ensure a collaborative effort.

  6. Communicate upcoming events effectively through town halls, emails, and company forums. πŸ“’

    Create buzz by introducing a monthly "Engagement Update" during town hall meetings, send out regular email reminders, and use a dedicated forum to discuss upcoming events.

  7. Regularly refine your calendar based on employee feedback to ensure it remains relevant and impactful. πŸ”

    If feedback indicates a preference for more wellness initiatives, adjust the calendar to incorporate additional yoga or meditation sessions.

πŸ”“ Unlock Freebie: Engagement Calendar + Activities 2024

I know it’s March, but better late than never! 🫣

To help you get started - we have an engagement calendar with a list of significant events and activity suggestions. πŸŽ‰

Use this as a reference to build your own calendar and ensure you align both the events and activities to your company culture.

Want to get access to more exclusive resources and connect with global HR experts? Join The Shape of Work Community by Springworks. 😊

EngageWith Feature Highlight πŸ’‘

Quick Pulse Surveys πŸ“

πŸ“ Pulse Surveys: Get to know your team better with Pulse. Create a space for your people to voice their opinion anonymously.

A good starting point to build your engagement calendar - send a quick pulse surveys to understand your employee interests and preferences. πŸ‘₯

New AI x Productivity Report Launch πŸš€

Do you know the answers to theseπŸ€”β¬‡οΈ?

  • When you automate redundant, repetitive tasks, how do people want to spend the newfound time?

  • What is leaders’ dream AI tool for productivity?

  • What features should an ideal AI-productivity-copilot have?

  • For people who are hesitant to use AI, what is the main reason?

We do! We ran a survey asking these and many more questions to leaders and professionals, and collated the answers in the [Report] State of AI and Productivity in 2024.

Download the report here to find out the answers!

Today’s Reads

  • HRs are upskilling with AI, and so are potential candidates. How are candidates using AI to their advantage during the hiring process? Read this article. πŸ€–

  • The importance of offboarding - read this SHRM article to understand how knowledge transfer can help minimize downtime ⬇️ during the recruiting process.

  • Do you have a pre-set list of questions and format for each interview? Learn how conversational interviews πŸŽ€ can be a potential advantage during the hiring process.

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