FWD: does your company organize offsites? 🤔


Hi folks! 👋 

Mariam Mushtaq here from HR Brain Pickings, back after a tiring but productive weekend! Our team just wrapped up a fantastic 4-day company offsite. For a fully remote company like ours, meeting and working in person was a refreshing change of pace. 😌 

I’m curious - does your company organize offsites? 🤔 

How often does your company organize an offsite/company retreat?

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In This Edition:

Since we are on the topic, in this edition, let’s explore various initiatives to keep your remote workforce motivated, connected, and productive. Remote work offers numerous benefits for employees, but keeping them engaged and motivated without direct access can be quite the challenge. 🥲 

Do you currently manage a remote workforce?

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Engaging Your Remote Workforce 🏠️ 

1. Organizing Company Retreats/Offsites ✈️ 

Why It Matters: Offsites provide a rare opportunity for remote teams to meet in person, fostering stronger personal connections and collaboration.

How to Implement 👇️ 

  • Communicate: 📢 Ensure you over-communicate about all details so that expectations are clear and there are no surprises.

  • Employee Feedback: 🗣️ Run a 360 feedback campaign to understand what employees would like to do and how you can improve.

  • Frequency: 📅 Plan offsites (annually is a good start) depending on your budget and team size.

  • Activities: 🎉 Include team-building exercises, workshops, and social activities to ensure a balanced mix of work and fun.

  • Location: 📍 Choose a location that is convenient and exciting for all team members.

How we do it at Springworks:

➡️ At Springworks, we organize an offsite once every 8 months.

➡️ Normally it’s a no-work type of event but this year we tried something different. 🙂 

➡️ Team bonding events such as this one, which was quite rewarding to say the least. 🥹 

➡️ Fully transparent with company costs → 💰 “Most people think remote work is only to save money.”

🌟 A glimpse into our previous offsites.

2. Virtual Team-Building Activities 💻️ 

Why It Matters: Regular virtual team-building activities help maintain a sense of community and camaraderie among remote employees.

How to Implement 👇️ 

  • Games and Competitions: Host online games, quizzes, and competitions to encourage friendly rivalry and team spirit.

  • Virtual Coffee Breaks: Schedule informal virtual meetups where employees can chat and unwind.

  • Workshops and Webinars: Organize skill-building workshops and knowledge-sharing webinars to promote continuous learning.

P.S.: From games like Pictionary and emoji rebus to Virtual Secret Santa - Trivia has it all and more!

Low employee participation? 🥲 

Think of organizing events like throwing a party. Not everyone will dance, play games, or chat. It can be discouraging when participation is low, but remember, not everyone enjoys the same activities. 😕 

Keep communicating with your employees. Ask for their feedback and preferences. 100% engagement is unrealistic, but making employees feel heard and valued is key. Keep trying new things and adjusting based on their input. 🙌 

3. Recognition and Rewards

Why It Matters: This is a bit of a no-brainer but → recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements boosts morale and motivation. (here’s proof based on our own research)

How to Implement 👇️ 

  • Regular Acknowledgment: Use internal communication channels to regularly acknowledge employee accomplishments. (this is something that does not need a budget BUT is a manual effort)

  • Incentive Programs: Implement programs that reward employees for exceptional performance, such as gift cards, bonuses, or additional time off. (you already know I’m gona ask you to check out EngageWith)

Alright, I know we’re covering some familiar ground here. 🌟 But stick with me—I’ve scoured the internet to find some truly unique and creative ways to engage your remote employees that you might not have seen before. Check these out:

  • Leverage AI 🤖: It's worth repeating—make the most of AI-powered tools to boost employee engagement. Utilize AI learning platforms for personalized training, AI-driven feedback systems to keep performance on track, etc.

  • Employee Advocacy Contests 🏆: Host monthly themed contests where employees create and share content like blogs, videos, or podcasts. Topics could range from the best WFH setups to tips on maintaining work-life balance. The best submission wins a cool prize!

  • Digital Detox Days 🌿: Implement regular "digital detox" days encouraging employees to disconnect from screens and engage in refreshing offline activities. A perfect way to recharge and rejuvenate!

  • Remote Mentorship Programs 🌐: Set up mentorship programs that connect employees with mentors within the company for career guidance, skill development, and personal growth. Everyone benefits from shared knowledge and support.

  • Birthday and Work Anniversaries: Offer special prizes or cash bonuses to celebrate employee special events. (you can automate this with on some platforms saving you a ton of time)

  • Employee Swap Programs 🔄: Introduce a program where employees can "swap" jobs for a day or a week. This helps them gain a broader perspective of the company and fosters a deeper understanding of different roles.

  • Remote Learning Pods 📚: Create remote learning pods where small groups of employees can learn new skills together, discuss interesting topics, and support each other's development. It’s a great way to encourage continuous learning and collaboration.

Alright - that’s it! Hope these are something new and different initiatives that you can implement at your workplace. Your employees will appreciate the thoughtfulness and creativity behind these initiatives, making your remote workplace a fantastic place to be! 🚀

That’s a wrap for today!

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Got any additional feedback for me? Let me know! 👇️ 

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💡 Bonus Resource | Rewards and Recognition Policy

What’s in this document: This document outlines key steps and considerations for HR leaders tasked with developing a rewards and recognition program.

Day 9: AI Insights Daily 🔍️ 

Today we cover → how auto-answers helped increase the adoption of our Albus, our AI bot, from 40% to 75%

The First AIxHR Community is Here! ⤵️ 

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  • 1️⃣ Global Connections: Meet HR leaders from around the world.

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