Measuring DEIB πŸ“Š

Hello hello! πŸ‘‹

This is Mariam Mushtaq from HR Brain Pickings. Welcome to our second issue of the week! ✌️

Hope you all enjoyed yesterday’s special edition! πŸ˜‡

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A few weeks ago we discussed DEIB - one of the polls asked was about the major challenges you face as HRs and the majority voted for β€œMeasuring DEIB”. πŸ“Š

So let’s dive into that topic and uncover strategies that can give us a better idea on how to measure the success or impact of DEIB initiatives. πŸ˜₯

More Than Just Numbers πŸ”’

DEIB metrics are not just numbers; they're a reflection of our commitment to creating equitable and inclusive workplaces. 🌈

These metrics are vital in identifying areas of management bias, unconscious bias, fairness, and justice within our work environments. πŸ‘₯

The importance of tracking DEIB metrics has soared, as evidenced by Gartner's report showing an 800% increase in demand for recruiters skilled in diversity hiring. It's clear that tracking these metrics has become a priority. πŸ“Œ

Note: DEIB metrics don't necessarily equate to achieving our DEI goals. Try to look at them as a tool for measurement, helping us understand where we stand and what we need to improve.

DEIB Metrics to Track in 2024

  1. Demographics πŸ“Š: Understanding diversity not just company-wide but across different levels, especially in leadership.

Example: Company A analyzed its leadership team and found that it lacked gender diversity, with only 20% being female. This prompted them to implement a leadership development program to empower female employees and increase representation. πŸ’ͺ🚺

  1. Retention πŸ“‰: Identifying if certain groups face more retention issues.

Example: It was discovered that employees from underrepresented minority groups were leaving the company at a higher rate. HR implemented mentorship programs and career development initiatives to address this issue. 🀝🌟

  1. Employee Turnover πŸ’Ό: Comparing turnover rates across different demographic groups.

Example: Company A noticed that turnover rates for employees aged 50 and above were significantly higher than the average turnover rate. They initiated exit interviews to understand the reasons and adjusted policies to improve retention in this age group. πŸ§‘β€πŸ¦³πŸ“ˆ

  1. Candidate Demographics πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό: Analyzing the diversity of your applicant pool during the recruitment process.

Example: During the recruitment process, HR tracked the demographics of candidates applying for engineering positions. They realized that there was a lack of racial diversity in the applicant pool. To address this, they revised job postings to attract a more diverse set of candidates. πŸŒπŸ‘©β€πŸ”§

  1. Equal Pay and Pay Equity πŸ’°: Investigating disparities in compensation.

Example: Company A conducted a pay equity analysis and discovered a gender pay gap of 15% in similar roles. They immediately adjusted salaries to ensure equal pay for equal work, demonstrating their commitment to fairness. πŸ’ΈπŸ€

  1. Employee Resource Group πŸŒˆ: Measuring the effectiveness of ERGs if your organization has one for DEIB.

Example: Company A's LGBTQ+ ERG organized events and surveys to measure participation and effectiveness. By analyzing feedback and event attendance, HR improved the ERG's impact on fostering inclusivity. πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ“Š

It's not enough to just collect and analyze these metrics. The real power lies in using this information to implement change. πŸ’‘

Whether it's revising recruitment strategies, enhancing employee development programs, or re-evaluating compensation structures, these metrics should inform and inspire our actions. πŸš€

AI Tool Highlight: Albus

Save time with Albus - an AI-powered knowledge bot for your workplace. Albus is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, so your team can get the answers they need without any hassle. ✨

Get Started in 3 Simple Steps: πŸš€

  1. Upload Your Documents: Quickly and easily add your company documents to Albus β€” a one-time setup. πŸ“

  2. Ask Away in Slack: Your team can immediately begin querying Albus directly in Slack for instant, relevant answers from your company wiki. πŸ’¬

  3. Enjoy Smarter Responses Over Time: The more Albus is used, the smarter it gets, continuously enhancing its ability to provide accurate answers with ease. 🧠

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πŸ“’ Masterclass Alert: Managing a Global Workforce from India

Learn how to handle a global team from India in our TSOW x Deel Community Masterclass. Deel is sponsoring our 90-minute session full of insights about the new ways of working together, even from afar.

  • 🌍 Explore: Get the latest on working across borders and cultures.

  • πŸ—“οΈ Date: Thursday, March 7th, 2024

  • ⏰ Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM IST

Todays Reads

  • The latest HR trend - from The Great Resignation to β€œThe Big Stay”. Are workers officially done job-hopping? Read this article by EBN to see what’s in store for 2024.

  • Stay updated with the latest 2024 Payroll Tech Trends. Here’s what SHRM has to say about how payroll vendors are utilizing AI.

  • You may have already read about this, but it’s important to stay updated with the latest. What are the latest tips by experts when it comes to destigmatizing mental health in the workplace?

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