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Navigating Workplace Mental Wellness: A Roadmap for Employee Well-being

Insights from Bhavya Arora

Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, and the workplace is no exception. In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, organizations that prioritize mental health are poised for success. As we explore this vital topic, we find insights from a passionate advocate, Bhavya Arora, who brings her unique perspective as an HR Business Partner at Sprinto and a founding member of The Talented Deck.

Mental Health: A Universal Concern

A 2022 survey by Deloitte found that 80% of Indian employees reported experiencing mental health issues in the past year. The conversation about mental health in the workplace in India is still in its early stages, but it is gaining momentum. More and more people are recognizing the importance of mental health and the need to create a more supportive workplace environment.

One of the biggest challenges to addressing mental health in the workplace is the stigma that is still attached to it. Many people are afraid to talk about their mental health problems because they fear being judged or discriminated against. This stigma can prevent people from seeking the help they need, which can lead to serious consequences.

Compelling statistics underscore the urgency of the matter. A 2023 survey by ADP Research Institute found that 76% of Indian workers said stress negatively impacts their work performance. Shockingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that depression and anxiety result in the loss of 12 billion working days worldwide each year, amounting to a mind-boggling $1 trillion in economic costs annually.

Creating a Supportive Workplace for Mental Health

A healthy workforce is more productive, engaged, and innovative. By taking steps to support employee mental health, organizations can create a more positive and supportive work environment for all.

  1. Cultivate a Positive Culture: Encourage empathy, transparency, and understanding within the organization. When colleagues and leaders are empathetic and supportive, it creates a safe space for individuals to discuss mental health concerns without fear of judgement.

  2. Leverage Personality and Soft Skills Tests: Tools such as personality tests can offer valuable insights into employees' emotional well-being. These tests can help HR professionals and managers better understand their teams' strengths, weaknesses, and emotional needs.

  3. Mental Health Sessions: Consider hosting sessions or workshops, whether virtually or in person, to promote mental well-being. These sessions can cover topics such as stress management, resilience, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence.

  4. Access to Workplace Counselors: Providing access to counselors can offer invaluable support for employees navigating mental health challenges. This can include on-site counselors or access to employee assistance programs (EAPs).

  5. Establish a Safe Process: Create a structured process that empowers employees to discuss mental health concerns without the fear of negative repercussions. It's crucial to emphasize that seeking help for mental health issues will not result in adverse consequences, such as job loss or discrimination.

Mental Health: A Collective Responsibility

Breaking the stigma around asking for help with mental health is really important at work. Here are some ways to do it:

1. Emotional Intelligence Assessment: Companies can consider evaluating the [emotional intelligence (EQ)](https://www.rochemartin.com/blog/best-tools-emotional-intelligence) of potential hires to ensure employees possess the ability to navigate various emotional situations, benefiting not only mental health but also overall teamwork.

2. Manager Training: Managers who don't understand emotional well-being should get training and help. This training helps them support their teams and make work better. When managers see how important emotional well-being is, they can make sure the workplace cares about mental health.

3. Addressing Attrition: High [attrition rates](https://www.personio.com/hr-lexicon/attrition-rate/) can be costly for companies. If a manager's lack of EQ contributes to team members leaving, investing in coaching or exploring management changes may be more effective than repeatedly hiring and training new employees.

4. Benefits and Productivity: Investing in mental health benefits can lead to lower attrition rates, increased productivity, and greater innovation. Employees who feel supported in their emotional well-being can focus on their work more effectively and contribute more meaningfully to the organization.

Taking Care of Employee Mental Health

Making sure that employees have good mental health at work is important. To do this, leaders and HR people need to know how to see if someone is not feeling well mentally. Some signs of this can include doing work worse than usual, missing work more often, or taking sudden days off. People might also start feeling negative or doubting themselves.

There are many tools to help figure out if someone is not feeling well mentally. Some of these tools are like personality tests and stress tests, which show how stressed people are. There are also apps that help people relax, like Headspace.

Peer-to-peer support apps such as TalkLife, Now&Me, and MindPeers offer platforms for employees to discuss their concerns and seek advice from peers. For more structured support, online therapy platforms like BetterHelp can provide access to professional counselling services.

Some companies work with NGOs that help with mental health or therapists who can offer cheaper services. By using these tools and resources, companies can make sure their employees are mentally healthy and feel good at work.

These resources and tools provided by the Society for Human Resource Management can definitely help any organization take care of their employee’s mental health.

Why Caring About Mental Health Matters?

When a company makes an effort to support the mental health of its employees, it leads to several advantages:

1. Increased Productivity: Employees who are mentally well are more likely to perform their tasks efficiently and take a keen interest in their work.

2. Enhanced Psychological Safety: Fostering an environment where employees feel secure sharing their ideas and taking calculated risks can result in improved innovation and teamwork.

3. Greater Happiness and Job Satisfaction: When employees' overall well-being is taken into account, they tend to be happier and more content in their jobs, ultimately leading to increased engagement and a reduced turnover rate.

4. Reduced Employee Turnover: A workplace that prioritizes mental health can help in retaining employees for longer periods, reducing the costs associated with recruitment and training.

5. Increased Employee Referrals: Satisfied employees are more likely to recommend their workplace to others, helping the company attract more talented individuals.

All these positive outcomes contribute to a healthier and more successful work environment.

The Future of Mental Health Awareness

Established companies with ample resources, as well as startups aiming for competitiveness, are likely to invest in mental health programs. This will help to create a more supportive workplace culture for all employees and reap the many benefits of a mentally healthy workforce.

India's younger workforce, with a better understanding of mental health, is also poised to drive change and raise awareness in society. Millennials and Gen Z are more likely to talk openly about mental health and seek support when they need it. They are also more likely to be understanding and supportive of others who are struggling with mental health challenges.

As awareness grows, India can play a crucial role in educating and supporting its people. This includes raising awareness about the signs and symptoms of mental illness, providing access to affordable and quality mental health care, and reducing the stigma associated with mental health.

Addressing Mental Health for the Blue Collar Workforce

Addressing mental health for India's blue-collar workforce is a complex challenge, but it is one that is essential to address. Blue-collar workers often face unique stressors, such as long hours, low wages, and physically demanding work. They may also have limited access to healthcare and other resources. As a result, they are at increased risk for mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

In such a scenario, it becomes the responsibility of those more privileged and educated, including employers and organizations, to step in and make a difference. Creating awareness among this workforce is the first crucial step. Many of these individuals may not even recognize the concept of mental health, let alone understand its significance.

To address this issue effectively, it's imperative that various organizations, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), employers, and government agencies, collaborate in a concerted effort. Such initiatives can ensure that mental health support reaches a broader audience, even those in the most remote or underserved areas.

One promising approach is to offer free mental health sessions at government hospitals, which are often accessible to a significant portion of the population. This could serve as an entry point for many blue-collar workers to seek help or simply gain awareness about their emotional well-being.

As we navigate the path to workplace mental wellness, Bhavya Arora's insights and passion serve as a guiding light. Mental health is not a solitary journey; it's a collective responsibility that holds the key to a brighter and more compassionate future for organizations and society as a whole.

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