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Shaping Tomorrow's Work Culture: Autonomy and Oversight in a Workplace

Insights from Swathy Sanjeevi

The modern workplace is rapidly evolving, with a growing emphasis on employee autonomy and empowerment. However, it's important to strike a balance between autonomy and oversight to ensure that employees are productive and accountable and that organizational goals are met.

Prioritizing Competence Over Hard Work

Do you want to achieve success in your career? If so, you might think that hard work is the key. After all, hard work pays off, right?

Well, not always.

Hard work is important, but it’s not enough. You also need competence.

Competence is the ability to do something well. It’s the combination of knowledge, skills, experience, and attitude that makes you effective in your field.

Competence is what sets you apart from others who are doing the same thing as you. It’s what makes you stand out from the crowd.

Competence is what makes you valuable.

Focusing on competence more than hard work is truly valuable when aiming for professional excellence. Competence is like the foundation of a strong building, and hard work is the bricks that go on top. Competence is all about improving and growing continually, and this path encourages healthy competition instead of fierce rivalry. While working hard is essential for success, it's the blend of dedication and competence that consistently brings about valuable results.

Balancing Act: High-Agency vs. Low-Agency

High-agency (Type A) and low-agency (Type B) are two different personality traits that can affect how people work in teams. High-agency people are self-motivated, proactive, and resilient. They look for ways to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Low-agency people are more passive, structured, and guided. They follow the rules and expectations of others and avoid taking risks.

Both types of people have their strengths and weaknesses, and the key to a successful team is to find the right balance between them. A team that has only high-agency people may be too chaotic, competitive, and unrealistic. A team that has only low-age people may be too rigid, complacent, and dependent. A team that has a mix of both can benefit from the diversity of perspectives, skills, and approaches.

One way to achieve this balance is to foster a culture of autonomy within the team. Autonomy means giving people the freedom to choose how they work, as long as they meet the agreed-upon standards and outcomes. Autonomy allows high-agency people to express their creativity, initiative, and leadership. It also allows low-age people to feel more confident, engaged, and valued. Autonomy does not mean abandoning structure or guidance, but rather providing a flexible framework that supports and empowers everyone in the team.

Autonomy and Oversight in HR: Striking the Right Chord

HR leaders, imagine managing a team where people feel free to do their work but also get the support they need. It's like letting them run with their ideas but being there to guide them when they need it.

Why It Matters:

  • Autonomy: It's about letting your team take charge, boosting their excitement and creativity.

  • Oversight: It's making sure everyone follows the plan, gets feedback, and knows how to do their best.

Tips for HR Leaders:

  • Set clear rules: Explain what your team can decide and what they can't.

  • Keep an Eye, Not a Grip: Help your team without controlling every move.

  • Team Spirit: Create a place where everyone feels responsible and trusts each other.

The Result: Finding this balance makes your team happy, improves their work, and helps your company grow. As an HR leader, your job is like creating a cool playground where everyone plays by the rules but still has a lot of fun!

Managing Diverse Teams: A Balancing Act

Leading a diverse team has its perks, like fresh ideas and varied skills, but it also comes with challenges. Here's a quick guide on how to make your diverse team not just work but excel:

Communication is Key:

  • Share the team's goals and expectations clearly.

  • Encourage open communication for ideas and concerns.

  • Listen actively to create a collaborative and trusting atmosphere.

Setting the Ground Rules:

  • Establish fair boundaries for team behavior.

  • Allow autonomy within these boundaries for flexibility.

  • Let decisions be influenced by individual expertise.

Embrace Learning and Appreciation:

  • Cultivate a culture of curiosity about team members' backgrounds.

  • Celebrate achievements and differences to build camaraderie.

  • Foster an environment where diversity is seen as a strength, not a challenge.

Managing a diverse team is a balancing act. By having open communication, setting clear boundaries, and promoting a culture of learning and appreciation, you can turn diversity into a competitive advantage for your team's success.

Preserving Morale and Autonomy in the Face of Setbacks

In the creative world, rejections are like plot twists. They sting but hold lessons. By embracing transparency, a growth mindset, and mixing in a dash of data-driven decisions, open communication, and experimentation, teams can face rejections head-on while keeping morale high and autonomy intact.

  1. Data Guides the Way: Make decisions grounded in data to see beyond personal biases and objectively evaluate ideas.

  2. Talk the Talk, Walk the Trust: When ideas get the thumbs down, clear and open communication is the superhero. Break it down, provide examples, and build trust through dialogue.

  3. Experiment, Learn, Thrive: A culture of experimentation turns setbacks into setups for success. Encouraging risk-taking creates a vibe where rejections are lessons, not roadblocks.

  4. High Spirits, High Innovation: Valuing team members and letting their unique contributions shine keeps the innovation flame burning. It's the secret sauce for breakthroughs.

In the creative journey, success isn't rejection-free. It's about learning, growing, and becoming more innovative.


Looking ahead, workplaces are changing. They're becoming more about letting employees think for themselves. This change, influenced by data, predictions, and technology, shows a shift from bosses controlling everything to letting employees have more say. The workplaces of the future will encourage freedom, welcome flexibility, and have less strict oversight.

In a nutshell, Swathy's ideas help us find our way in the complex world of HR leadership. Figuring out how to let people have their own space, supporting diverse teams, and being okay with change isn't just about HR – it's useful advice for anyone trying to make it in today's work world.

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