Strategic Recognition 👀

Hello hello! 👋

Welcome to the first series of a very special edition of HR Brain Pickings –where we are zooming in on employee recognition: is it a strategy or just another perk? 🤔 

A while back, we embarked on a mission to gather insights from you—the frontline of HR—to truly understand the impact and power of employee recognition.

We've finally compiled our findings, and the Power of Rewards and Recognition 2024 report is now ready. 🙌

In the coming issues, we'll be breaking down the report piece by piece, sharing practical and actionable strategies.

A Simple Thank You 🙏 

When employees feel valued, they perform better, stay longer, and contribute to a positive work environment. 😌 

We are not just saying it, we have the data to prove it. 🔢 

⬆️ The numbers say: a staggering 90% of employees report feeling more valued at work when their efforts are recognized.

⬆️ This sense of value translates directly into tangible benefits for organizations, with 87% of employees stating that recognition significantly enhances productivity.

⬆️ But perhaps more telling is the profound impact on loyalty—85% of workers are more likely to stay with their current organization if they feel appreciated.

The Recognition Gap 🤔 

A Forbes study shows that employees across generations feel team recognition programs are ranked lowest on their employers' priority list. 👇️ 

Research from 2022 by Gallup and Workhuman, which found that 81% of company leaders said “recognition is not a major strategic priority for their organization.” 👎️ 

🤗 90% feel valued when efforts are recognized
🤝 85% say a culture of recognition increases loyalty
😢 Yet, only 22% receive daily recognition, and 33% receive it on a monthly basis.

Despite all this data and research out there → Why are these initiatives still overlooked by employers?

Several factors may contribute to the oversight of recognition programs:

  • Misplaced Priorities: In the race to meet business objectives, the softer aspects of workplace culture, like recognition, can sometimes be deprioritized. 👎️ 

  • Lack of Awareness: Often, employers underestimate recognition's impact, largely due to being unaware of the data supporting the effectiveness of employee recognition. 🤷 

  • Perceived Barriers: Other sources also suggest that leaders may believe it’s too difficult and costly to invest in recognition programs. 💰️ 

HR can help bridge the gap 🤝 

As HR professionals, we have the unique opportunity to bridge this gap. Here are a few ways to go about it:

  1. Advocate for Recognition: Use the data from our report to make a compelling case for the importance of recognition programs to senior leadership. 📊

  2. Educate Leaders: Sometimes, a lack of recognition stems from a lack of know-how. Offering training sessions on effective recognition can empower managers to acknowledge their teams appropriately. 📚️ 

  3. Embed Recognition into Culture: Recognition should be more than an initiative—it should be a core part of your organizational culture, reflected in daily interactions and processes. 🌟

  4. Start Small: You don’t have to immediately start spending money to build a recognition program. Begin with something as simple as encouraging peers and managers to send personalized thank you notes or give public shoutouts for a job well done. 🗣️ 

  5. Invest in a Recognition Tool: Once the benefits of recognition become evident, consider adopting a dedicated tool to simplify and integrate regular acknowledgments into your company culture, thereby fostering employee trust and loyalty. 💻️ 

Still unsure of where to start? Talk to an expert → Book a discovery call with the EngageWith team

Your Turn: Reflections and Actions 🎯

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The Power of Rewards & Recognition | 2024

Discover: Key findings, current state of recognition programs and insights that can help you make a strong case to invest in a recognition program at work. ⬇️ 

Coming Up Next: Monetary vs. Non-Monetary Rewards ⚖️

Stay tuned for our deep dive into crafting the perfect blend of rewards that resonate with every team member. In our next issue, we'll explore the nuances of monetary vs. non-monetary rewards. ⏭️ 


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