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From Transactional to Transformational: Cultivating Purpose at Work

Insights by Deepti K.S.

When workers aren't fully involved and not doing their best, many bosses try offering new rewards and increasing supervision. But often, things don't get better. Why? They're assuming work is just a transaction and that employees only care about themselves, trying to do as little as possible.

This idea ends up making itself true: workers only do the bare minimum to get a reward or meet a requirement, and nothing extra.

What Is the Purpose of Work?

We dedicate a big part of our lives to our jobs. Many of us spend around eight hours a day, five days a week, working, adding up to about 90,000 hours over a lifetime.

We often spend more time at work than with our families or doing things we love. So it's natural to want our work to be fulfilling and enjoyable since we invest so much time and energy into it.

BetterUp conducted a survey to understand why having a sense of purpose at work is important for both employees and organizations.

Still not sure about how important having meaningful work is? Well, 9 out of 10 employees would be okay with earning less money if it meant having a job that felt more meaningful to them.

And it's not just about the money. When employees find their work satisfying, they become more engaged. This is crucial for businesses, especially since only about 20% of employees worldwide say they feel highly engaged at work.

Why Should You Seek Purpose in Your Work?

Finding purpose in your job can bring a sense of commitment, passion, and excitement about what you do.

It might even help align your professional goals with your personal values, leading to greater fulfillment.

Here's how having a purpose at work can help employees:

  • Feeling Connected and Dedicated: When you find purpose in your job, it makes you feel more connected and committed to what you do.

  • Being More Excited and Motivated: Knowing why your work matters can make you more excited and motivated to do your best.

  • Handling Stress Better: Having a purpose at work can help you deal with stress more effectively.

  • Building Better Relationships: Working with people who share your purpose can help you build strong relationships and work better together.

  • Feeling Happier and Fulfilled: Finding purpose in your work can make you happier and more fulfilled overall.

5 Ways to Cultivate Purpose in Your Team

Creating a sense of purpose in the workplace is crucial for both employees and employers alike. When employees feel connected to the mission and values of the company, they are more engaged, motivated, and satisfied with their work.

For employers, fostering a purpose-driven culture can lead to higher productivity, better retention rates, and a more positive work environment.

Here are six practical ways employers can cultivate a sense of purpose among their workforce:

  • Clear Company Mission and Values: Make sure everyone knows what the company stands for and believes in. It's not just about saying it; it's about living it every day.

  • Assist with Career Goals: Help employees figure out where they want to go in their careers. Support them in setting goals that match their interests, skills, and strengths.

  • Encourage Career Growth: Offer opportunities for employees to try new roles and learn new things. Let them move up or sideways in the company to grow and develop.

  • Regular Feedback on Performance: Instead of scary performance reviews, have regular chats about how things are going. Listen to employees' thoughts and ideas, and help them progress.

  • Open Communication: Create an environment where people feel safe to speak up and share their thoughts. Listen to what they have to say, and show that you value their input.

  • Lead by Example: Be a role model for purposeful work. Show enthusiasm for the company's mission and values, and demonstrate how everyone's efforts contribute to the bigger picture.

The Impact of Purposeless Work on Employee Retention

When people don't feel a clear sense of purpose in their work, they often start to feel disconnected and unfulfilled. This lack of purpose can make their daily tasks seem boring and meaningless.

Without understanding how their work fits into the bigger picture of the organization, they might begin to question why they're even doing it.

  • Lack of Engagement and Commitment:

This disconnect can lead to employees just going through the motions without putting in their best effort. It can also make them feel less excited and committed to their jobs, which can affect both their work and personal lives. Plus, without a sense of purpose, it's hard for employees to grow and develop in their careers.

  • Increased Attrition Rates:

When employees don't see a future for themselves within the organization, they're more likely to start looking for new opportunities elsewhere. They want to find a place where they feel like their work matters and where they can grow both personally and professionally.

Connection Between Employee Recognition and Work Purpose

Recognition serves as a powerful tool for strengthening the sense of purpose at work. When employees receive recognition for their contributions and achievements, it affirms that their efforts are valued and appreciated. This validation reinforces their connection to the purpose of their work.

  • Sense of Belonging

It also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the workplace. Recognizing employees for their contributions creates a positive and supportive culture.

  • Collective Mission

This sense of belonging enhances the overall purpose of work, as individuals understand that their efforts are part of a collective mission. The recognition becomes a shared celebration of purpose, reinforcing the organization's values and creating a cohesive work environment.

Organizations can also tie recognition to specific behaviors, achievements, or values that support the purpose and provide clarity and guidance for employees. This feedback helps them understand how their work directly contributes to the organization's mission.

Looking Ahead

Discovering purpose in work leads to a more fulfilling career, improves physical and emotional well-being, and boosts motivation. Conversely, a lack of purpose can increase attrition rates as employees seek more meaningful opportunities elsewhere.

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