Transforming HR: How Automation is Changing the Game

Insights by Jiten Somani

New technology enables HR staff to function more quickly and effectively. They use tools to complete jobs quickly, including hiring and training, giving them more time to serve staff. How can our team use these technologies to execute their jobs better?

HR is critical for any company. They handle a variety of tasks, including hiring, training, and ensuring that everyone is paid on schedule. Things would not work as smoothly without human resources.

What's HR automation?

HR automation is when technology helps HR departments work better by taking away boring tasks from employees. This lets them concentrate on harder jobs, like making decisions and planning ahead. When routine HR tasks are automated, it saves organizations money and time by cutting down on manual work.

Automated HR systems are changing how HR offices work. They're doing tasks that used to be risky or boring, but now they do them better and more reliably.

Big Challenges to HR Automation

Getting HR automation up and running can be tricky. Let's look at the toughest hurdles:

Employees feeling tired of constant changes:

Sometimes, workers can feel stressed out because many changes are happening at once. Almost half of HR leaders agree that their employees are tired of all the changes at work. So, when you bring in something new, like HR automation, they might be too excited about it later.

But you can make it easier by getting them involved from the beginning. When employees feel like they're part of the process, they're much more likely to go along with the changes. And when companies do this, they're 14 times more likely to handle the changes well.

Money Issues:

Automating HR takes both time and money. The big question is, how do you get and spend the money for this?

To get past this problem, figure out how much different HR automation options cost and make a budget that makes sense. You'll want to focus on the ones that will give you the most bang for your buck first, and you can do them one at a time.

Old systems:

For businesses still using old software, it's a big hurdle to switch to automation. Even though everyone knows these systems are slow and don't work well with modern software, they hold a lot of important data that makes it hard to move to a new automated system.

But you don't have to change everything at once. Start by looking at your current HR system and figuring out where automation can help the most. Gradually, you'll update your HR system and automate tasks step by step.

It's smart to get a consultant who knows about digital changes to help your team with this process.

What HR tasks can we automate?

HR automation covers a wide range of tasks, from simple to complex. It means using machines or computers to do work with little or no help from people. While some tasks, like talking with employees about leaving their jobs or making big HR plans, will always need a human touch, there are surprising things that automation can help HR teams do more efficiently.

Here are some common HR jobs that can be automated:

1. Hiring and bringing new employees on board

  • Finding and Screening Applicants Faster: Automation can speed up the process of sorting through job applications, making it quicker for HR teams to identify qualified candidates.

  • Conducting Initial Interviews: Automated systems can handle some of the initial interviews, asking basic questions to assess candidate suitability before passing them on to human interviewers.

  • Reducing Administrative Burden: By automating tasks such as document collection and scheduling, HR teams can spend less time on administrative work and focus more on strategic aspects of the hiring process.

  • Ensuring Smooth Onboarding: Automation can streamline the onboarding process by automating tasks like document collection, orientation scheduling, and training module setup, ensuring that new hires have a seamless transition into their roles.

2. Performance management:

  • Setting Performance Goals: Automated systems can help HR teams set clear performance goals for employees, ensuring that expectations are transparent and aligned with organizational objectives.

  • Tracking Progress: Automation tools can monitor employee performance throughout the year, tracking progress towards goals and identifying areas for improvement in real-time.

  • Generating Performance Review Forms: Automated processes can generate performance review forms based on predefined criteria, streamlining the review process and ensuring consistency across evaluations.

3. Time and attendance:

  • Accurate Work Hour Tracking: Automated systems accurately record employee work hours, breaks, and overtime, eliminating the need for manual tracking and reducing the risk of errors.

  • Reduced Human Errors: Automation minimizes the likelihood of human errors in recording employee attendance and work hours, leading to more precise payroll calculations and compliance with labor regulations.

  • Seamless Integration with Payroll: Automated time tracking systems seamlessly integrate with payroll systems, ensuring that accurate attendance data is reflected in employee compensation, streamlining the payroll process.

4. Compliance and Reporting:

  • Tracking Regulatory Changes: Automated systems monitor changes in labor laws and regulations, ensuring that HR teams stay up-to-date with compliance requirements and adapt their processes accordingly.

  • Generating Compliance Reports: Automation tools generate compliance reports based on predefined parameters, simplifying the process of monitoring adherence to labor laws and regulations.

  • Facilitating Audits: Automated systems store and organize relevant data, making it easier for HR teams to retrieve information during audits and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements.

5. Expense claims:

The manual process of submitting expenses contributes to dissatisfaction among employees, with 38% finding it boring and over one in six dreading it.

  • Digitization of the Expense Process: HR automation enables the digitization of the expense process. Employees can simply take a photo of their receipt using their phone, which is then uploaded into the expense management software.

  • Automated Data Extraction: The expense management software automatically extracts essential data from the receipt, such as the amount, merchant information, and VAT details, reducing the need for manual entry and minimizing errors.

  • Efficient Approval Workflow: Once an employee submits their expense claim, the relevant manager is immediately notified for approval or rejection. This streamlines the approval process and ensures a timely resolution.

Benefits of HR automation

  • Improved Efficiency: HR tasks often involve lots of paperwork, which can be slow and repetitive when done manually. HR automation takes care of all this digitally, making processes faster and more efficient.

  • Better Communication and Collaboration: With HR automation, everyone can see where each task is at any given time. This makes it easier for team members to understand their roles and responsibilities, leading to smoother communication and collaboration.

  • Lower Paper-Based Processing Costs: Dealing with paper documents costs money, from printing to filing and storing. HR automation cuts down on these costs significantly. It reduces the need for physical storage space and makes finding records as easy as clicking a button.

  • Reduced Errors: Manual tasks like payroll and timesheets are prone to errors. Automation eliminates these mistakes by handling these tasks quickly and accurately. This means fewer mistakes and less time spent fixing them.

Essential Features Every HR Automation Software Should Have

  • Easy-to-understand reports: Get clear and visual reports to help you make decisions faster.

  • Automatic Reminders: Set up reminders so employees don't miss important tasks or deadlines.

  • Seamless Integration: Make sure the software can work well with other HR systems, making data sharing smooth and hassle-free.

  • Security Measures: Ensure the software has security features like audit trails to keep your HR processes safe from tampering or mistakes.

Looking Ahead

Automation in HR isn't just a trend; it's a game-changer. By harnessing the power of technology, HR teams can revolutionize their operations, boosting efficiency, and accuracy while freeing up valuable time for strategic initiatives. With automation, mundane tasks become a thing of the past, allowing HR professionals to focus on what truly matters: building stronger teams, fostering employee engagement, and driving organizational growth.

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